Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Hello all!

So I just recently started this blog to honor what is sacred - the printed word.  As in, printed on a piece of paper.

Maybe a better name for this blog would be 'irony', seeing that it is, you know, a BLOG.  Anyhow.  This site manager has nothing against evolution, if you will; I just don't want to see books, newspapers, magazine, cards, letters and all else disappear, per se.

That being said, I am not sure exactly what direction in which I want to take this site - all I know is that I cannot be alone in how I feel, so I thought I'd voice my opinion accordingly.

Oh - and simply to dispel any stereotypes - I fall into the 'under 30' category.

Please share any thoughts/opinions/suggestions on where to take this site.  Thank you.